A couple of local schools (one primary, one high /Secondary) to rollout a new proceedure

schools student covid screening daily

Parents/Guardians of younger students going back to school for classroom instruction (in two trial schools) will have a new procedure to follow after the school break is over.

Before the students even get ready for school, parents will be required to give them a COVID-19 health screening--which is covered in the online Covid-19 self-screening form they must fill out.

"The parent agrees that they will screen their student for COVID-19 symptoms each morning for the remainder of current school year, and submit the results on our new online self-screening form,"  

The School Principal said.

"They will agree to take their child's temperature each morning, and they'll keep them home if their temperature is 100.4 or higher."

Teachers of each class will have access to the daily class registration list, to confirm that students were pre-registered as cleared to attend. A list of failed submissions are also kept so that absences and the reason with respect to a suspected covid infection are recorded and reported to the schools student welfare officer.

"We are hoping that this initiative hammers home parents responsibility to keep the school community safe"

Said the principal.


If you are a university, college or school organisation, and would like to roll out your own trial you can use the C19REGISTER.COM service as is for free.
If you would prefer, we can customise/rebrand and host a private version of the service for your campus only  -  see whitelabel

Chesterfield County requiring Daily COVID-19 Questionnaire

Temp checks and online form must be completed before each visit by County employees and all school student...